Bitten By The Collecting Bug

Welcome! I guess that is safe to assume that if you are taking the time to read this post, you have been bitten by the collecting bug and are a collector of something. If collecting items which capture the essence of the African Diaspora is interesting to you, then bookmark this site.

It is my hope to share with you some information about items that I have either in my collection, on my wish list, have seen on the internet, on auction sites or during my travels. I invite you to do some shopping too. More items will be added in the coming weeks.

I am always excited when I find something new and interesting to add to my collection and I hope that you will find the site interesting too.

Thanks for stopping by and check us out again.


Start where you are, with what you have.  Make something of it and never be satisfied.
– George Washington Carver

Pam Heywood